

Amazing Before and After

The top picture is an endoscopy performed in March 2020.  This horse had been treated with a name brand omeprazole-based ulcer treatment.  After several months and thousands of dollars of treatment, the stomach shows inflammation, ulcers and nodules with pus pockets.  The vet also reported signs of trouble with digesting feed.

The bottom picture is of an endoscopy of the same horse after two months of treatment with Gut Wizard.  The photo reveals that the ulcers are no longer inflamed or irritated, and the nodules are virtually healed.  The best result: a much happier mare!

The owner advised, “There was a definite improvement from the initial scope.  The four nodules were entirely gone!  The two inflamed ulcers showed great progress, too, with no irritation.  My vet, who was skeptical of Gut Wizard at first, acknowledged that it played a HUGE role in the improvement.  She recommended I keep treating my horse with Gut Wizard to prevent future ulcers.”


 Jerry and Jan Kovach

Kovach Stables

"We now use Gut Wizard exclusively! Approximately four months ago we had a very special Brood Mare that was failing. She was lethargic, would not eat and would not leave her stall. The vets tried everything they could think of, as we did. We thought we were going to lose her. 

Rich gave us a gallon of Gut Wizard to try. To our amazement, our beloved mare made a complete turn around. We swear Gut Wizard saved our mare. We say it was a miracle. What a product, we love it!"



Michaela Schock

Owner of EquiDental (302) 423-0851 

"Daisy would eat anything you would put in front of her, but was not gaining weight. she obviously had a bad stomach and we had her on several stomach ulcer treatments that vet prescribed at huge expense. We used Gut Wizard and the results were outstanding after 3 weeks of treatment. The savings were huge! Take a look at her now!"



 Mandi Atkins 

USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and FEI Assistant Trainer

"I love Gut Wizard!  It has worked wonders on my horses, and the cost savings are a bonus.  I gave some to other dressage trainers and they loved it."


Joseph Hundertpfund, Jr. 

"As most owners and/or trainers know, stomach treatment for horses is absolutely necessary and expensive.  Several of my horses were being treated with a nationally known name brand product at a cost of $25 - $30 dollars a day.  Rich came in with this new product he called Gut Wizard.  I was skeptical but tried it on Rich's horses. 
After a few weeks, my grooms were commenting about the difference in Rich's horses.  Not only could we see a change, their performance and recovery was much better.  Needless to say, Gut Wizard is the only stomach treatment in my barn.  The horses are happy, the owners are happy and the trainer is extremely happy."  


Frank Deliberti and Joe Columbo

Owner of Wiz Kid Stables and Leading Trainer at the 2018 Harrington Raceway Meet, respectively

"I own Wiz Kid Stables.  Like most horse owners, I used big named ulcer treatments.  After hearing many owners, trainers and grooms talk about Gut Wizard, I wanted to try it.  After a few weeks, my trainer and employees reported that the horses were drinking a lot more, eating everything and acting better.  One groom reported that he noticed no grain in the feces, meaning the horses are digesting and utilizing all their feed.  I am a believer and have nothing else in my barn.  Oh!  Did I tell you the cost savings is significant." 


Debbie Rodriguez

FEI Dressage Trainer/ Judge

"Noticeable relief when I gave it in a dose syringe today. Interested to see what an actual scoping reveals as to whether if pain relief or helps reduce ulcers. Ulcers are so prevalent and the most common treatments are so expensive I think there is a solid market for this product."


Eric Ell

"I have a stable of several standardbreds. I have been using what I thought was the best stomach and ulcer treatment available, spending thousands of dollars a month. After hearing about Gut Wizard, I decided I would give it a try. I can honestly say that after a couple weeks I could see a difference in all my horses. I have been using it for a few months now and my horses get nothing else. Bottom line is it works and saves my stable a lot of money. I even sent some to friends to use and they like it too!" 


Vince and Teri Copeland 

"We own and train standardbreds, and Vince drives competitively.  We own a horse that looked and performed terribly.  We were spending hundreds of dollars using the big name stomach and ulcer treatments with no results. We were actually to the point of giving up, when Rich gave us Gut Wizard to try.  It sounds unbelievable, but I swear we saw a difference in the horse in days.  He ate more, drank more and trained better.  He went on to win races after a few weeks of using Gut Wizard.  It works, and the savings are great.  I can treat a horse for 30 days for the cost of two days of the other product. Gut Wizard is all we use."  


Bobby and Tina Clark 

"We own and train standardbreds. We used to use the big name ulcer treatment for our horses. Rich approached Bobby with Gut Wizard and we gave it a try. Let me say it works. It works better than anything we have ever used." 


 Chuck Crissman 

"I have been around horses most of my life. I have owned and trained hundreds and know how important a healthy gut is to any horse. Gut Wizard is genius! I have personally observed horses treated with this product and spoke to several owners using it. There is nothing negative about this product and the cost should benefit everyone. It's Genius!"